
75-ball Bingo rules and game description

How to play 75-ball Bingo

Have you tried our 75-ball Bingo yet? It’s a twist on the classic 90-ball Bingo game and is popular across the pond, particularly in the USA and Canada. Like 90-ball Bingo all you need to do to play is buy at least one numbered Ticket. During the game a caller will call out random numbers and if it appears on your Ticket you cover it by ‘dabbing’ it. The first person to fill out a pre-determined pattern on their Ticket wins the game and jackpot!

Don’t worry if you don’t think you’ve quite got it yet, here’s a little more information:

The 75-ball Bingo Ticket

The Tickets sold at 75-ball Bingo games normally consist of a 5x5 table of numbers ranging from 1 - 75. Each square on the table displays a number, apart from the centre square, which is labelled "FREE".

The winning pattern

In a 75-ball Bingo the variety of winning patterns is never ending. The winning pattern of each game will be made clear before you play, whether it’s a heart, a star or something else.

The payouts and jackpots

Normally a game's payout is decided by the cost per Ticket and the number of players. The prize tends to be higher when there are higher Ticket prices and lots of players. On occasion, we offer a fixed minimum prize and it doesn’t matter how many people take part or the Ticket price. Extra jackpots can also be on offer in a select number of Bingo games.

Buying the Tickets

To play a game of 75-ball Bingo you need at least one Ticket, however, you can normally buy up to 96.

Before you buy any Tickets you need to make sure there are funds in your Bingo account with the right amount of money.

You'll always be able to see your account balance at the top of your screen. To deposit into your account at any time just click the "Cashier" button.

The price per Ticket is visible on the left-hand side of the screen and the Ticket itself, as well as on the purchase panel.

The Ticket selection

You can choose your Tickets for each Bingo game by clicking on them or you can have the Bingo system select them for you randomly.


You can choose one Ticket at a time by clicking on each one you want to buy. If you want to reset your Ticket selection, hit the ‘Clear’ button to remove all of your selections.


You can always have the Bingo system select your Tickets for you. Just click on the amount of Tickets you'd like to purchase, and the system will select random Tickets for you.

Playing the game

Once you’ve bought your Tickets for the Bingo game you need to wait for it to start. It’s easy to keep track of the time left before the game starts, just check the "Game Starts" countdown, which can be found in the top left corner of the Bingo screen.

New Bingo games will start every few minutes, so you’ll never have to wait that long. Once the game begins, all the details you need to play will appear in the info bar on top of your Tickets. For example, it’ll show how many people are playing the game, prizes, the pattern you need to get in order to win and the jackpot.

Each number called will appear at the top. Either below it or next to it you'll find the last five calls, so you can keep track.


When one of the Bingo players gets a winning pattern on their Bingo Ticket the game will stop and a message will tell you who won the game and how much they’ve won.

Normally the return to the players in 75-ball Bingo is around 70% whilst the house edge is equal to 30% (this is sometimes altered by the Ticket price as well as the number of Tickets bought in each game).

1tg and 2tg games

These games offer the chance to win a cash prize even if you don’t hit the jackpot. If you’re only one or two numbers away from winning the jackpot in these 75-ball games but someone else wins it first, then you can still win a share of the prize.

Progressive jackpots

Progressive jackpots get bigger as more and more people play. Visit our Progressive Jackpots page for more info.


Everyone’s internet isn’t always perfect and we understand that sometimes connections can be lost whilst you are playing a game. Don’t fret - if this happens, the system will continue to autodaub for you and you'll be awarded any prizes you may have won during your short time away.